Valuable land

My land

My land
My land
My own land
The land I can lie on

among them

Land I can have

That is the monetary value
It's not a story of land value.

It is to see the value of the land.

Valuable land
To find out

The value of land that others have not seen
I can make it nice by trimming it.

The way to see good land is 
이치 학문인 “풍수지리”로 봅니다.

Anytime you want to know about the land 
Please contact us. It's always fun to see the ground. .
It's been 10 years since I was young and I've already been active in Feng Shui. .
I am a regular member of the Korean Pungsu Geography Association. Fortunately, I'm not the local Feng Shui branch.

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