The feeling of a person at home:

The feeling of home.
The feeling of a person living at home
We call it Gapoong.

It becomes a habit
When that becomes the norm.

Was everything the environment?

Making a stationary space with good materials
“정신”이지 “물질”이 아니다

Good ingredients
Even if it's cheap

With a large window view.

Even if it's a good, cheap built-in cabinet
It's good if it looks like a wall, not a closet.

As if I did not.
Keeps order

As if not as if
Just create an atmosphere.

Good idea is important
Expensive materials aren't important

The most expensive materials to use in a space should be lighting and furniture.

When it harmonizes properly
As rain, a person adapts to the environment
Think according to the environment and move

When it is in perfect harmony
Your house will be built. 

Briefly forgotten 
Think about what's going on in your house.

If I can find something precious I forgot for a while
If it's not good, make one~

Good time

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