Building a building, don't hope for luck

1658840144978252199 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

I wonder why.
A day full of excitement

Special Surveyor's Points

Local construction supervisor's incompetence (words you don't want to write)

As a result

The endings of tearing and rebuilding... The building owner who committed illegality
Construction supervisor trying to cover it up
Special prosecutor to find it (special inspector)

The building owner's uncomfortable thoughts
The illegal facts that have occurred.
Ahead of completion
What is it?

지금은 1988년이 아니다.
illegality? I can't tolerate it.
The offenses committed by the butlers
It takes sometime. It too
It comes to the building owner's overwriting.

“요행을 바라지마세요”

He’s a junior at the city hall
We signed no solicitation.
What to do. Opening it and doing it again is the standard.

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