Architect certification is essential.

According to national laws and regulations, architects
It is a certificate given to those who pass the exam.
The architect examination started once in 1965.
There is a test once a year.

Who is not an architect
Planning and designing the building was prohibited.

In other words, if you want to build a building
“건축사”를 만나야 하는것이다.

By the way
General people don't know.

Those who pretend to be architects like architects
One or two of the builders will do everything 
I am not fooled.

If you want to build a building
“건축사”를 찾으면되고 (자격증 보여달라고 하시고)
Among them, the believer 
You can meet an architect.

건축사는 “윤리서약”을 한다.
건축업종에서 유일하게 윤리서약을 한다. “윤리서약”을 한다는
Meaning is more important than you think.

___________ .

?For example, people without licenses
“건축가”라는것을 명함에 쓰고다닌다.
그 단어를 본다면 “자격없는분”이라고 생각하면된다.
?자격이 없는건 “동네 집장사”도 그렇다.

?Don't be fooled from now on

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