갈증을 품으신다
Study abroad for nearly 3 years, especially living in the US
Those who came (45-63 years old) by chance
이런저런 인연으로 만나 집을 12채정도 지었다
특히, 그분들은 단독주택의 즐거움이
That it has to do with family harmony
As you know, you are thirsty
As a result
I want you to move alone from the apartment
단독에서 평온, 화목함을 원하신다
Things I didn't enjoy, I envy, I just looked at
The importance of family in America
이제서야 더 짙게 다가오신다고들 한다
Dr. Kim, who I see sometimes, says so
단독주택은 “가족과 문화”를 만드는 집이다
보다 좋은 “가족의 화목”을 위하신다
About things you didn't know the importance of when you were young
손자, 손녀맞이를 위해 집을 짓는것이다
Space to play with grandchildren and granddaughter
To enjoy fun things together
환경을 만드시는것이다(환경은 사람을 바꾼다)
집이 없어서 집을 짓는게 아니다
As social customs change
For “family culture” rather than myself
집을 짓는것이다
Usually after building a house
I want to trim the grave of my father
하시는분 많다
천주교, 기독교, 불교다양하시다
Because of the traditional bonbun
평장, 가족묘를 제안해드린다
The place in the cemetery has no skin or water veins.
무해무탈하는 일반적인 땅이 좋은곳이다