Booth house and the reason to build a house

Very small function booth
But it's a useful booth to know

Someone’s thirst for space
Booth may be the answer

Even housewives
Anyone who makes plastic models
Even for small children

You can fill in something you lack

Space sometimes depends on its size
Sometimes more than the size of the space
There are times when the size is larger

?Always talking

Other than the building has a higher priority,
Building without purpose,
Building without content,
I speak firmly to such a person

?There is something more important
Do what's higher priority than the building first

Then the ratio of ????100% is organized.

?40% is often a construction company or developer, and 40%'s 80% is highly fraudulent.

?30% recommends his priorities over buildings,

?30% has an interesting building and building conversation

Let's use someone else's house as the background
Some of them cost too much civil engineering, so let's do it this way
Which one is this much
Which makes it more sexy
Which one is more compact
Which one is prettier
Which makes it more background
Let's spend money on only what
Let's not spend money on any

?So good when it was, fun together
?To fill the scarcity, to make the remaining better
?”그분만의 해답을 얻는다”

Buildings, houses are built like that.

?Before you build a pretty building, the most important thing
? The stability of the company's business, personal health, family dialogue, and family happiness.

Power is nothing without Control!

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