색상을 사용하는 목적

1560623766404784387 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

Art-related writers
The purpose of the color and the planner
The purpose of the color used is no different.
It is just a simpler color, a color of scale.

Determining the color and texture of natural stone
Determination of inner paint.

It's building uses, cognitive
Functionality and intention are implied.

Like I said white violence
It’s one kind of violence
If anything else supports it, it is the best color.

Hin color.
Light brown color.

Press space,
Intention to gaze.
의도적인 대각선적인 시각을 유도하며 사람의 움직임을유도한다.

Whether expensive or cheap
Only different colors, textures, and details
When viewed from 100 meters, only color is visible.

Choice and concentration.

The cost-performance ratio uses color.

Cheapest, but
Functional, maintainable
That becomes the key.

The color of Le Corbusier
Lewis Khan's Color
Peter Zumter's Color
The color of Stephen Hall

Even if they are the same color, their intention, meaning, and purpose are different.

The color of architecture supports planning.
Therefore, it is the most convenient tool.

However, the failure to use color in architecture
It is because they do not recognize the size of the space and the building.

The color increases in size
Like a chameleon, the feeling changes.

그것이 예술분야와 건축이 다른점은 .
“색”의 규모, 크기의 묘미이다.

색 참으로 “묘”하다.

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