The materials are endless.

Nothing cheap and good? Really?
Construction materials used in Korea in the 1980s
That's terrible.
But 40 years go by.

The country also said that it was economic development
It was also called product development.

The subject matter has become endless.
It means that it is not an era where there are only red and earth bricks.

Among the many ingredients, the good cost-effectiveness
Even if they have the same name, the difference in performance varies depending on who is the producer.

Not as absolute as in the 1980s 
Now the difference between the materials is relative.

With the same material,
It's a sound that makes a difference even if you sweat. 
If you add a little labor cost to cheap materials,
Get visual abundance of texture and color.

싼게 비지떡일지라도 “어떻게 먹느냐”가 
Different taste 
It is clear that it is the times. .
“부럽게”는 그렇게
Is to approach.

This building owner, who is the same age as me, knows.
And this building was made like that.

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