Cause of boiler failure-poor communication construction
원형 깔떼기부분이 연기나오는곳몸둥아리에 구멍송송나있는곳이보일러로 공기들어가는곳보일러 연기통은 저렇게 설치되면효율이 떨어지고 고장이 난다그럼 어디게 문제가될까?1.아랫쪽3개보다윗쪽 2개에2.보일러5개를설치한 공간이연기가들어갈수있다.그러나 2번째 사진을보면보일러연통이 보기싫어서건물면을 들였기에비오는철, 기압이낮은…
Building owner school is an architectural knowledge content to deliver information for prospective building owners and building owners.
It covers a lot of information from the dream of building a home, individuals who want to have my building, and the corporate office building, as they pass on the know-how experienced in various fields ranging from architectural design, construction, feng shui geography, and remodeling.
원형 깔떼기부분이 연기나오는곳몸둥아리에 구멍송송나있는곳이보일러로 공기들어가는곳보일러 연기통은 저렇게 설치되면효율이 떨어지고 고장이 난다그럼 어디게 문제가될까?1.아랫쪽3개보다윗쪽 2개에2.보일러5개를설치한 공간이연기가들어갈수있다.그러나 2번째 사진을보면보일러연통이 보기싫어서건물면을 들였기에비오는철, 기압이낮은…
보강토~ 라는단어가 들리면무조껀 우수처리, 배수처리에 신경을 써야한다.특히 운동장이 있다면땅속으로 스미는 물이 ?엄청나고그결과울산외고 보강토 붕괴처럼엄청난 결과를 초래하게 된다.? “보강토=배수처리 중요”라는 공식을…
매우 잘된 공사매우 잘못된 공사를 본다길을 다니며 사진을 찍는다샘플용 잘된 사진오염된 샘플 사진부실공사 샘플사진음 그냥 모음이다어디에다 쓸지모르게늘관심으로 모아둔 사진들그것들이 지금…
외장재는 좋은걸 쓰셨는데코킹은 돈이 아까웠나봅니다?코킹은 석유화합물입니다석재같은 다공질자재에실리콘오일이 기공속으로침투되어 물리적 세척으론오염이 제거되지 않습니다그러면왜 ?이런게 생기는건물과?이런게 안생기는 건물이 있을까?그래 맞다 ?몇천원 싼게오염원이…
강북에사는 친구가아버지께 받은 건물을리모델링 한다해서 가서 찍은사진1층에서 2층으로 올라가게 뚫어통로를 만든다했는데막상 가서보니 장비기사가저렇게 사정없이 뚫어버렸다원칙은뚫는 주변에 받침기둥을 설치하고콘크리트를 컷팅 후…
A medium steel beam that holds the waist of a tall pillar not to bend. This is what stimulates greed. Purchased a new warehouse next door. The middle floor of 20 pyeong...
?Recently hot issue mine designExclusive area + expansion balcony = legal area + expansion balcony + open floor = square box, which is a slightly legally open floor, is a mine. It's illegal to fill and write like that?
Already 9 years old mountain construction A place that comes out after about 40 minutes along the trailIn 2010 ♡The facility was assigned to the site manager for the collapse of the civil engineering retaining wall, and the site surveyed it. Because it collapses without barrier, the input material is sorted and the water is easily drained, and safety is secured by configuring it in two stages rather than in one stage.
I got a lot of phone calls from Inchinnim. Is it amazing whether it shows the shame in the field of architecture? ....
The structure is very important The structure is more important than the finishingThat is, Structure>Fire protection>Outdoor finishing material>Indoor finishing materialThat was not planned, and there are cases when a general employee made a mistake rather than the structure engineer entering the specifications. 1. I don't know 2. I do this anywhere else. .If you are tired of that floor concrete (fatigue load), you will want to sit down.