Building Owner school

Building owner's school is a video content to deliver information for prospective building owners and building owners.

It covers a lot of information from the dream of building a home, individuals who want to have my building, and the corporate office building, as they pass on the know-how experienced in various fields ranging from architectural design, construction, feng shui geography, and remodeling.

Building Owner School EP 144-Why you should go to the site you are planning to build and understand the characteristics of the land before building (preventing real estate fraud and building your own building that fits the site)

안녕하세요. 건물주학교 안선생입니다. 대부분 건물을 짓기전 땅의 형태만 사진으로만 보시고 판단하시는 경우가 많습니다. 건물이 올바르게 대지에 짓으지려면, 주변환경들과의 관계 그리고…
