Trying to build cheaply can lead to disgrace.
강북에사는 친구가아버지께 받은 건물을리모델링 한다해서 가서 찍은사진1층에서 2층으로 올라가게 뚫어통로를 만든다했는데막상 가서보니 장비기사가저렇게 사정없이 뚫어버렸다원칙은뚫는 주변에 받침기둥을 설치하고콘크리트를 컷팅 후…
강북에사는 친구가아버지께 받은 건물을리모델링 한다해서 가서 찍은사진1층에서 2층으로 올라가게 뚫어통로를 만든다했는데막상 가서보니 장비기사가저렇게 사정없이 뚫어버렸다원칙은뚫는 주변에 받침기둥을 설치하고콘크리트를 컷팅 후…
Hello. This is Ahn, the Building Owner School. Recently, we have received many requests for remodeling of aging buildings. Most of the common problems of clients are grasping the exact condition of the building you own...
Hello. This is Ahn, the Building Owner School. I visited the site of an old building that I contacted a while ago on a weekend (Sunday). The actual remodeling costs and processes were discussed with Director Koo Soo-moon and Choi Hoon-min.
Hello. This is Ahn, the Building Owner School. I know that there are a lot of concerns from parents or family members who have a building built a long time ago. Often, for remodeling…
Hello. This is Ahn, the Building Owner School. I came to the Chungcheong-do area on request for a remodeling of a building built in the 1980s. On a rainy day, the best way to see the condition of the building...
Hello. This is Ahn, the Building Owner School. This time, I took the highway to the dust station. I am the owner of the building who has an existing building and wants to build an additional cafe building. Just like building a building, every business...
Hello. My name is Ahn, the building owner's school. Since I came down to the local area, I visited a store of an acquaintance who runs an industrial history. Inconvenient and inconspicuous parts for existing customers to use the industry...
안녕하세요. 건물주학교 안선생입니다. 얼마전 거주중이신 일반 단독주택을 다가구 주택으로 리모델링을 원하셨던 분의 상담을 진행 ( ) 했었습니다. 상담을 원하시는…
안녕하세요. 건물주학교 안선생입니다. 얼마전 전화 연락이 와서 방문하게 된 가정집 상담을 다녀왔습니다.지어진지 10년된 단독주택이고, 현재 거주를 하고 계신분은 중간에 해당…
안녕하세요. 건물주학교 안선생입니다. 지난달 상가 리모델링 의뢰로 방문한 89년도에 건축된 상가건물에 방문하여, 현장 정검 및 미팅을 진행하였습니다. 해당 현장은 추가적으로…