Style Lab

옆집보다 한수를 먼저 내다본 신의한수 (위례주택)

Shin Eui-han-su, who looked ahead to the next house, (wirye housing)

Wonderful​​The difference between this house and the crossing​​The big window and the small window​​Small windows close the windows and curtains tightly in case of seeing them from the big windows​​The distance is 10 meters, but even if the distance is 100 meters, the small windows are tightly closed. This hidden house is in the south, and the other in the north is in the north.

나뭇잎 색상의 맛깔스러움

The taste of the color of the leaves

You can see the colors of the trees in the morning light If the leaves of spring are colorful, you can see the colorful colors of summer and autumn There is no need to plant the same tree Just as each person is good at it, each tree also has different beautiful times One is April, one May, another August, and another October​

위례주택 (은금재)의 준공검사

Wirye housing (Eungeumjae) completion inspection

Five minutes pass.​​Special inspector (special prosecutor) who inspects the completion of work. ​When he sees the special prosecutor, he is nervous. There are some people who have said, but I am naturally nervous because there are many people who are dishonest.

인연을 만난다는건

Meeting a relationship

이 지구상 어느한곳에 요만한 바늘하나를 꽂고 저 하늘 꼭대기에서 밀씨를 또 딱하나 떨어뜨리는거야 그 밀씨가 나풀나풀 떨어져서 바늘위에 꽂힐 확률…

집을 짓는 이유

The reason to build a house

실내공간이더라도 이런저런방법으로 확장이되어야한다. 실내 공간이란것은독립적, 한계적, 경계적, 관계적, 확장적, 효과적이어야한다. 아파트처럼경계만을 갖으면화목 환경은 줄어든다. 사람.가족은.대화가 생명이다. . 웃고, 떠들고 함께하는게…

20대때 설계했던 고현교회

Gohyeon Church designed in the 20s

27살에 대학원 연구실에서 교수님께 처음 교회를 배울때 그당시대전의 목양교회처럼 주요대상이었던 고현교회. 교회는 지어지고 그뒤10여년만에 교수님과 다시갔던5년전 고현교회. 내 인생의 첫 교회그뒤…
