Will the construction cost of this result be the same for everyone? .
답은 다르다입니다.
The prices for walls, ceilings and flooring vary widely. .
<Wall, Ceiling>
It could be a cheap seal
It can be a really good stamp.
It can be cheap paper
It can be a really good paper. .
It can be a cheap material
It can be a really high-performance material. .
With a person who pays about 130,000 won per day
Some people receive 200,000 won per day.
Features come at your fingertips.
Therefore, the work quality is different.
(There is a big difference in unit cost between simple workers and highly skilled workers).
Is it possible to commute?
It is different whether you need to stay and eat at a local business trip.
(Increased labor costs, room and board, expenses, etc.).
Doesn't the construction cost be pushed back?
There is also a difference between frequent push
(If it is pushed back, there is no one to build, but it will cost more than bank interest.).
사진의 같은공간이더라도 결과물의 차이가 큽니다. .
옆집은 얼만데 우리왜 쌀까?
The question of how much is next door but why are we expensive? is a pointless question. .
물론 기획하는분,
Whether the person constructing is correct
Someone who is better than criticizing
Finding is also the ability of the owner to choose.
The construction cost of this result is
누구에게나 같지않다가 “현답”입니다.