
It guides you through the factors that make others envy.

Culture becomes everyday

I predict it will be a general Korean appearance a few years later. It's been a long time since children learned to play musical instruments, and many people play music by themselves, but at some point it will become everyday. Culture will become everyday. At any moment


Building is the result of desire

욕구 “사람이 집을만들고집은 사람을 만든다.”했던가. 과거의 “생산” 일변도의  찍어내는 시기는 지났다. 들판에 아무것도 없던시기가 지나고 아파트가들어서고  최소의 욕구가 해소되고  그것이…



부럽고 안부럽고는정말 간발의 차이 색,질감,형태, 조명, 주변요소, 전망, 소재의 활용 밝은공간…. 들이  보이느냐가 부럽게 하는 차이다


Bricks that create an object of envy

벽돌하나를 쌓더라도 기본 쌓기 견적단가는  거의 같다 다만 약간의 비용을 들여서 어떻게 쌓느냐가 “부러움의 대상”이 된다. 고민은 결과의  큰차이를 만든다.…


Open and close-AYUTT

That the window is big. However, the big one among them is to create a space that is not a door or window. In other words, when the door is opened, the whole is opened as one, but the outer wall of the end is closed, the inner space is opened, and the sky is opened...


House is the hardest

It should be the most functional, spatial, visual, stable, aesthetic. But I can't put it all. Different people have different positions and thoughts that make the difference in the house. We know Visual and functional are better than expensive materials... And expensive houses...


Let's use the idea

Let's use it We used it a few years ago... Open the door at the door and turn your head. There is a city park in front and a landscape. Yes, the landscape in front of you is the country, not mine. But I try to use it. If I see Gongyun Forest, I pay more taxes...


If you want to envy you, do it

부럽게 부럽게 살고싶다고들한다. 그러나 그 방법을 모른다. 그러나 의외로 단순하다. 가져야할 목적을 가질수있는 관계를 맺고가질 준비를 하고 실행을하면 된다. 아버지가 늘…
