A good land to see from both architecture and feng shui perspectives

1736817745682869985 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

The ground itself is plain
The view is good
The sense of distance between adjacent buildings is also good.
Good use of green space

Sewer relations require Lee's consent
The capital decided to receive groundwater from a neighboring house.
The groundwater was tested last week, and it's very good.

Look around again

From an architectural perspective
View the ground from a feng shui perspective

Looking at the map
Looking at the road
Looking at the terrain
I see the wind road
Report the state of the neighbor's house
Look at the state of the neighboring trees and grass.


Just looking at that one
What you really do need to be detailed.

So that

You can see the ground well.

At the same value
Wouldn't it be good to be good among them?

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