

1556189035789307869 1 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

Two eyes

Gets up tired and leaves the house.
I need cash and head to the bank in front of my house.

Blue light

Cross the crosswalk.


Car rear collision condition.

The engine behind the car runs hard and blows out smoke.

The rear trunk of the car in front is folded.

An accident that struck him.

A woman is lying across the crosswalk. Report to 119 
As you approach, you are shaking your whole body.

There is no place that is not refreshing.

He says he has a sore back and a sore throat and cannot breathe.

Two legs together
We hold hands with both hands.

The elementary school friends have a lot of doctors
I remember the stories I heard in college that it's good to hold hands when I'm most anxious.

119 is coming
The police are coming

The stretcher comes.

Madame. I live in our apartment.
There is no question of where to contact.

Like that
Twenty minutes, I also told her back pocket, but she told me to go right away because she couldn't go to the hospital so her children could suffer.

I seemed to be a son.
Get on the ambulance.

From morning, those two eyes are good.

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