To use the land as mine

1638780351886435488 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

I felt it last month, but Jeju
Wood color and earth color are different.

I knew it
To the mating of colors 
I'm worried. .

More than anything
Jeju is like Jeju
You can taste Jeju.

The taste of 8 degrees nationwide 
It is very diverse.

The local taste
I tried putting in a lot of recipes
To create a modified recipe
There are difficulties ???
It is also fun. .

Jeju Island's wide window house

Foundation concrete was poured.?

The more you look at it, the better the land is.
The land has a master. .
Owning the land and 
To use the land as your own 
Is it really different?

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