Myeongdang tour

명당 이라 쓰고 “이치”로 읽는다. 땅을 쓰는덴 이치가 있다.
Don't use it carelessly.

It hasn't been a long time since I visited with an elderly person.

It is a tour of the graveyard site of a prestigious family in Korea.

It is no different from a graveyard site or a house site.

자리가 작으면 “묘지터”
자리가 넓으면 “집터”인 것이다.

Reason is common sense
Do you see reason
Invisibility is the difference between profit or not.

Ichi (feng shui) into business
I can't use it.

Per person? Don't look for it
You don't get to get it.
Only then will you see good land. .

I visited several of the eight famous places of Joseon Dynasty.
As expected, 1000km seems to be riding today.???

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