Insolvent construction “Kiwoodung Officetel”

1780199674209131844 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

I will tell you about groundwater
The series of insolvent construction is going to be over.


It was even named
“기우뚱 오피스텔”

It is said that it has recovered within 3cm now.
I am not sure if it is fortunate, but fortunate.

There are two problems.

1. Officetel is a soft ground (the ground is not hard and can be turned off when the load is large)

2. Higher buildings have a high vertical load density, but groundwater changes due to civil works in adjacent areas.

3. The water in the officetel land moves

4. As the water drains, the ground turns out even more

5. It is the result of the building tilted in the direction it was turned off. ?

To see these problems, there is a ??? measurement construction. It is expensive.

But you can reduce the cost.

If you reduce the number of days and the number of measurements, the amount will decrease.

The three brothers are related to the land: A underground slope gauge, B groundwater level gauge, and C indicator.

When the groundwater level changes
The location of the groundwater in the B groundwater level is lowered.

When the B underground water level is lowered
A The ground slope (a phenomenon in which the angle of inclination changes due to the land being turned off) changes.

When the groundwater level and the A ground level are changed,
The height of the C ground settlement system is lowered.

That is, the ground goes out.

계측을 한다는것은 데이타를 이용해서 ? “데이타시공”을 한다는것이고 .

? Doing data construction means
It means that the construction works by checking the targets of danger.

But it costs money.
I waste that money to build a building.

So I try not to do it well, and I play around to use it only as an act of catering, ? as a litigation preparation fee.

If you have the right housekeeper and the right construction company, there are also ? Namola housekeepers and ?Namola construction companies. .

? In the case of a construction company
“건설업 면허”를대여받은 나몰라집장사 이거나 .

? This is the case where the site manager is Namola.
This is why the site manager is more important than the construction company.

Insolvent construction. Because general people are always exposed to insolvent
I can think that it is the original way of doing insolvency.

Or, since that person has worked for a long time, will he be good?
I can think.

답은 “그렇지 않습니다.”가 정답입니다.

<This is a series of insolvent construction>

Power is nothing without Control!

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