Land with ownership but no trace of the owner

1748609643231218971 스타일 랩 종합건축사사무소 : 건축사 안응준

After 1953
Jongno area widens the road
Around that time, many buildings were built.

그 때는 측량이 “평판측량”이었다.

It is now
Creating a lot of problems.


Unregistered land
Land with registration but difficult to confirm
Land with ownership but no trace of the owner

That too

Dong Dae Moon

그곳은 “남의 속도 모르는 땅”이 존재한다.

Seoul Gyeonggi Outskirts Department,
If you go to the province
Wrongly intellectual 
The cadastral non-conformity (area and area of land, location is different) 
There are so many.

Surveying before buying land 
It is beneficial.

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