Even the builders will not know this.
In a single board of directors
What is the problem?
1. Poor construction of tiles?
2. Did you write a tile where you should not use it? ?If you look closely at the picture, it's not both.
3. The tile ? rose sharply.
The fact that the tiles rose
4. It has nothing to do with tile construction.
여기서나타난 문제는 ?”하중”과 “지하수??”이다
5. When designing the building, apply the load of the structural relation method.
The load of the building continuously changes from construction to moving in.
A. When the construction is completed and completed, only the building load remains
B. When moving, the pick-up load is slightly added and
C. Living in it creates a weak moving load.
D. But ?gym in no time
When visitors and users are jagged over time
6. Such a phenomenon occurs in a narrow space (toilet, corridor, entrance between buildings and buildings), not large spaces.
7. It mainly occurs in large buildings. ? So why is this a bad construction?
8. In large-scale buildings, devices (hardware, or gaps) that catch deviations (range of large and small) are placed for that reason.
Experience is at work.
9. This is similar in seismic design, but does not include this range.
10. In other words, when the building is settled, the gap of change is not designed or is missing.
In the above case, it takes time.
However, if this phenomenon occurs in a short time after building
- It can occur according to the subsidence of water and land (subsidence when the groundwater level changes).
As with Doota and Migliore, digging the ground next door lowers the groundwater level.
<This is a series of insolvent construction>
Power is nothing without Control!