The process of the funeral-first

장묘의 과정 - 두번째

<장묘의 과정-1>
I have my grandmother in 2012.
I had a funeral and put on cremation.

I went to Seonsan and served it. (Of course, I settled down that summer in advance.).

1. Look at the topography of the mountain and see the water polo.

2. Hold the left-hand side with a plate iron.

3. The sanshin and the jishin are given a gaetoje.

4. Used tools and used quicklime.

5. Dig up the soil while opening the soil. (It must be lower than the default freezing depth: 60~90cm in Jeolla-do, Gyeongsang-do, and 1m~1.5m in Gangwon-do)

6. See the soil condition with a hopi

Go further down. Look for the veins while looking at the blood soil.

7. Put the blood soil separately.

8. Install the square formwork.

This is the boundary between quicklime and blood soil.


DM came to Inchin

You asked Feng Shui.

As a professor at the parent university,

Because you didn't know the process of the burial

You asked.

It is said that I can take my mother.

I explained the basic process

I introduced you to the famous branch officer who appeared on TV.

I am a member of the Korean Fengshui Federation. So, I work with famous branch officials.

The picture shows the dressing process that I did

To show you.

Building buildings and

Building a grave is no different.

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