One who does all his heart


I like Rosie before Corbusier

The key point is that the creative act was embodied using primitive nature as a model.

That's the essence of neoclassicalism.

The origin of classical architectural beauty was discovered in the primitive hut by Rosie, and the architectural theory was established. 
The ideal form for the lodge is the philosophical idea that the architecture is made entirely of beams and columns that support the roof as a condition of architecture.

The Paris Pantheon was made by Spoolo.

Splodo I love.

그들은 “정성을 다하는 자”들이다

Now those who do their best 
It is difficult to meet. So I look for it.

In this era
You can gather that devotion again.

A building owner related to me 
Scams are caught.
Hopefully. Where dare you!!!

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