Project period: 2013
Project Name: Naegok-dong Mokyang Church New Construction
Host company: Coma Architecture
Responsibility: Supervisory Team
Design overview
Site location: Around 360 Naegok-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul
Region, district: Class 1 district unit planning area
Road status: 12m dead end, 15m road
Main use: Religious facility (class 2)
Site area: 800m²
Building area: 477,83m²
Total floor area: 2,891,27m²
Building-to-land ratio: 477.83 / 800 X 100 = 59.70 (statutory 60%)
Floor area ratio: 1,587,94 / 800 X 100 = 195.99% (legal 200%)
Scale: 2 basement levels and 4 ground levels
Structure: reinforced concrete
Maximum height: 28.9m (Cross height: 26.8m)
Exterior finish: Exposed concrete, red stone, 24mm low-E double-layered glass
Parking number:
법정 – 시설면적 100m²당 1대 (2,108.87 / 100 -> 21.07대) : 21대
21.07 X 0.03 = 0.83 units (for the disabled)
plan :
1. On-site parking lot (including 1 for the handicapped and 2 for light cars), 21 cars
2. Bicycle parking court (21 X 0.2 = 4.2 cars)
Landscaping area:
Legal: 120m² or more (15%)
Plan: 124.53m² (15.57%)