
There is something more important than building a building.

파주 박스공장 사장님이공장을 새로이 지으시겠다 하신다.​물론늘 그랬던것처럼 .​사옥 틱~!하게 끔!미술관 틱~!하게제작년 상담해드릴때​건물짓는것보다우선순위 먼저하시라고정리해드린것을2년간 충실히 하셔서70%즈음 달성하셨다 한다.​그런데 최근 몇개월만에부동산 분위기가…


The pleasure of finding good land

Today is very fun. Pretty land. ​The time when the building owner spent several months searching for the land to meet the land​ ​​The remaining land looks pretty both day and night even after filling that time, so it is very enjoyable. It's so good and some parts aren't enough, but I'm also very happy to see the land that I'm afraid to see it every few months. Nice to see you...


Safety facility, not required, but very useful facility

예전에 장애인전용 시설이었지만​지금은부모님집이모님집고모님집에​전부설치된 보조손잡이고령화를 떠나,집안의 안전시설은사실 턱없이 부족하다.​10살 어린아이도30대 성인도50대 분들도​이젠 필수시설은 아니더라도옵션시설 그정도는 되야한다.​써보면 편하다.​몸에 생활상의 부담도 적어진다.​도움이되는 시설들안전시설.​고정관념을…


You should not be subjected to wrong construction.

좋은걸 잘못 만들고있다.​황토와 저 지푸라기는저렇게 만나면 안된다.​지푸라기 속에 황토가황토속에 지푸라기가 교반되야한다.​그래야​지푸라기의 장점흙의 장점이 만나야그기능을 확보된다​좋은재료로사진속 저집은 어쩌다지푸라기의 단점+흙의 단점 으로…


Good planning makes good cities and buildings.

In the Republic of Korea, the planning team of the city is made up of experts and the general public.​​The Bundang Plan also has many meetings, talks, and a lot of opinions, and you can see from the 1991 report.​ It is not just created.​A city, architecture, is a state institution,...


A land of all bad conditions

It is the land of the person crossing the bridge, not the person.​Agu.?​​If you had seen the selection of the land, you would not have bought it.​``The bad condition is a full set.” Still, there is another limit​​​ 100% area of ​​land is 120 pyeong ㅋ It is not a problem until here. The real problem is this land.
