The environment at home should make me benefit
The environment is important It should make me rest, relieve my stiffness, relieve my stress, listen to music, watch pictures, drink wine, and relieve it With food, healthy and refreshing...
The elements that a pretty house and a good house should have.
Good houses to see before you start building your own
The environment is important It should make me rest, relieve my stiffness, relieve my stress, listen to music, watch pictures, drink wine, and relieve it With food, healthy and refreshing...
Even if it is an indoor space, it must be expanded in one way or another. Indoor space should be independent, limiting, boundary, relational, expansive, and effective. . If you have boundaries like an apartment, the environment for harmony is reduced. For people and families, conversation is life. . Laughing, talking...
Shutters have a variety of uses. When I was in France for several months, I learned the charm of shutters. Even at 10 p.m., the French landlord told me to use the shutter when I couldn't sleep because of the long sun. Sometimes for privacy, sometimes for security and security. Shutters cannot be used like foreign ones...
수납에대한 생각 주부 입장에서본의아니게 보이는게 고민거리가되기 때문에 가려져야하고 숨길곳이 많아야한다 어린이에게는보이는게 많은건 유치원 어린아이 까지는좋다부모를 힘들게 덜하게된다.스스로 놀것이 많이 보여야한다.다만…
Modern buildings need electricity to work. Why? Who is it because it's comfortable? Businessmen. Who is it because it's money? Contractors. However, in everyday life, light really needs to be the least function, the function of art. Because the house is not a night or conference room. Because…
The representative structures for building are four types of reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, timber structures, masonry structures, each structure has its own characteristics, has limitations and different advantages, but it must have a purpose to contain values and purposes. The times have changed. .Seeing a lot…
In the past, houses were not built out of steel frame, but such an era is coming. The age of construction frame carpenters is now 70 Koreans and 55 Chinese. In other words, there were fewer craftsmen to work on. Later, I built a house like this...
There are many uses of the living room, but only one of us is a living room. In fact, the living room is where you can listen to music, make plastic models, draw pictures, talk, watch TV, and sometimes sit and relax. The villa space of Daebudo Island is open and divided...
Oliva 단아해야한다.정갈해야하고조용하고 모든장치들이숨어있어야한다. 눈에보이는 정보를 줄이고보여줄것만 보여야한다. 쉬는곳 그곳은 그래야한다. 시험에 나오는 공부를 하고틀리지않는 공부를 하면성적은 좋게되는것처럼 보이는걸 줄이는 그것만큼.그 만큼,…
간혹 이처럼압축형집을짓는다. 스킵플로어 형태.중층의개념으로 층수의 한계를넘기도한다. 그러나. 이처럼 확장된공간이아닌찌그러진공간찢어진 공간이 된다. 개인적으로 언젠가 꼭~하고픈느낌이다. tsl house 일반주택보다는 .풀빌라에 맞는 기능처럼풀빌라…