Save Me Holmes

Do not build houses or buildings on land at risk of collapse

평지를 만들기위한가장간단한 방법은​보강토를 쌓아 평지를만드는것이 비용적 이익이 좋다​그러나​이처럼 물기가 베어나온다면위험한 것이다​아무리 값이 싸더라도​고개를 돌리는게 좋다​물기가 스며들고겨울에 기온에 훼손이되고다시물기가스미고땅이 침하되고다시벌어진 틈으로…


When you want to get the space you want, all you need is "conversation"

When building a workshop, many people make a mistake: The height of the building, the use of light, versatility, color, light, etc. There are countless many, so rather than looking at the existing workshop, seeing the system of the existing workshop, and having many conversations. It can be a little more fun, so it is necessary to have a conversation.Industrial Warehouse


Concerns of Saemaeul Pension

It is said that an entire rural village is converted into a pension complex.The houses are like any other country built between 1960 and 1978.The old village, the somewhat neglected village There was already 20 years ago.


You need to be able to easily explain complex and difficult things.

건축 매우 복합적 학문이죠많이 공부해야 잘할수있는 분야인듯 해요​그러나 ?많은 이들이어렵게,고귀하게,​대단하게,복잡하게 이야기하죠​​사실 그럴필요 없는데 말이죠​어려운 단어만든 단어복잡한 말을​쓰지말라고 조창한교수님께 배웠습니다​일반적으로 설명…


The office building should be planned like a cultural space.

공장을 지을때​사옥처럼문화시설처럼​지어야한다​공장 사장이더라도문화관장 처럼​그맘을 가져야한다​작년 7월에 부산에가서 본첫 인친님께 드렸던 말​커피를 하더라도​그림을 보여주고음악을 들려주어​문화속에서 커피를마시게 해주라 했던그때의 그 말 처럼​​그래야…


Shin Eui-han-su, who looked ahead to the next house, (wirye housing)

Wonderful​​The difference between this house and the cross-editing​​The big window and the small window​​Small windows close the windows and curtains tightly in case you see them from the big windows​​The distance is 10 meters, but even if the distance is 100 meters, the small window is tightly closed. This hidden house is in the southern area, and the other house is in the northern area. If you look at the southern house from the northern house, you can see it well because of the sunlight...


The taste of the color of the leaves

아침 빛나무들의 색​볼수있어요​봄의 나뭇잎 색이 다채롭다면여름과 가을의 다채로운색이 보여요​같은나무를 심을 필욘 없어요​사람마다 잘하는게 다르듯​나무들도나무들마다​예쁠때가 다달라요​어느것은 4월어느것은 5월어느것은 8월어느것은 10월​제각각 뽐내는…


Worst case of fraud by a butler

?40년된 건물 피해사례​건물이 40년되었다면구조적으로 노후는 필연이다?​​고교친구의 지인분 숙박건물공사비는 3억가까이들여 시공했으나​​1.건물에 크렉이 가서 황소바람이들고2.건물 복도누수 천정재시공3.건물 화장실의 심각한결로4.건물 옥상의 심각한 결로5.건물바닥으로…
