Architectural fraud

보강토 부실 설계 및 시공사례

Design and construction cases of poor reinforced soil

When you hear the word reinforced soil, you should pay attention to rainwater treatment and drainage treatment.​Especially if there is a playground, the water that spills into the ground is enormous, and as a result, it will lead to great consequences like the collapse of the reinforced soil at Ulsan Foreign Language High School. The formula “reinforced soil = important drainage treatment”…

건물을 망치는 만병의 근원

The source of all the diseases that ruin buildings

대한민국에서여기저기 다양하게 쓰는 재료가있다.​하나는 코킹또하나는 우레아폼​그 기능성은 좋다​코킹은 초산,비초산을시작으로 비오염성, 방화용 까지 기술이 높아졌다​우레아폼도 정말좋은재료다폼의 장점을 갖기에 사용,기능이 좋다​그런데잘못 쓰인다.​인건비를줄여주고마감이…

눈에 안보인다고 속이지말라

Don't be fooled because you can't see it

1cm is a small figure. ​You can't see after 5 meters according to someone. Yes​​For example, there is an indoor staircase in a single house.​It may be only 1cm difference between 2cm thick and 3cm thick, but the body feels...
