Architectural knowledge

Don't try to fill the inner space

Don't decorate this or that. There seems to be no. There should be no. It should be hidden and empty. That way, you have time to rest. This is the time to drink coffee and listen to music. There are people who have seen it, but people who have tried it know that it is good. Stanton


Buildings should work even without electricity

Modern buildings need electricity to work. Why? Who is it because it's comfortable? Businessmen. Who is it because it's money? Contractors. However, in everyday life, light really needs to be the least function, the function of art. Because the house is not a night or conference room. Because…


Buildings are vessels of value.

The representative structures for building are four types of reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, timber structures, masonry structures, each structure has its own characteristics, has limitations and different advantages, but it must have a purpose to contain values and purposes. The times have changed. .Seeing a lot…


Land with ownership but no trace of the owner

1953년 이후종로지역은 도로를 넓히고그즈음 많은건물이 지어졌다. 그 때는 측량이 “평판측량”이었다. 그것이 현재많은 문제를 만들고있다. 때론 등기없는 땅등기는있는데 확인이 어려운땅소유권은 있는데…


The valley land is absolutely not!

골짜기에 지은건물 난사태가 난다면두집모두 위험하다. 이런 “골”은 나중에 물이내려오거나흙이 빗물에 쓸려 무너지거나산사태가 나는곳이다. 아무리 풍경이좋고아무리 가격이 좋아도골짜기 땅은 절대! 사지말아야한다. 택지로…


Change the way you think

누군가는 문짝은 다양성이 없다한다. 제품이 한계라고 말한다 그리고 다양하고 질좋은건 비싸다한다. 그러나 누군가는 늘 새로운걸 만든다. 이 문짝 바닥재를 붙인…


Why the crane fell

거짓같은 사실이 넘친다. 70톤 크레인?포크레인의 무게상 문제? 사고사진을 보니.내가 보기엔 85~100톤 크레인처럼보인다.(사진3번 파란색 크레인이 100톤 크레인) 무너진 이유?는 뭘까? 1.장비가…
