Improper fractional exterior material
You used a good exterior material, but the caulking was a waste of money. ?Is there a building that doesn't look like this?
You used a good exterior material, but the caulking was a waste of money. ?Is there a building that doesn't look like this?
A photo taken by a friend living in Gangbuk remodeling a building from my father, so I made a passage from the 1st to the 2nd floor, but when I went, the equipment engineer broke through like that. After installing and cutting the concrete...
Hello. This is Ahn, the building master school. In this video, I would like to explain the exterior material that is in charge of the final completion of the building. The exterior material not only protects the interior of the building...
A medium steel beam that holds the waist of a tall pillar not to bend. This is what stimulates greed. Purchased a new warehouse next door. The middle floor of 20 pyeong...
?Recently hot issue mine designExclusive area + expansion balcony = legal area + expansion balcony + open floor = square box, which is a slightly legally open floor, is a mine. It's illegal to fill and write like that?
I got a lot of phone calls from Inchinnim. Is it amazing whether it shows the shame in the field of architecture? ....
구조는 매우중요하다마감보다 중요한것이구조이다즉구조>방화>실외마감재>실내마감재저것은기획을 못한것이고구조기술사가 스펙을넣은게아닌 일반직원이 실수한 경우가 있다.1.몰라서2.딴데도 이렇게한다 들어서3.건축주, 시공자가 철근 줄여달래서그래서이런결과를 얻는것이다. .저 바닥콘크리트피곤하면(피로하중) 앉고 싶겠지보(beam)가 시공…
대단합니다.예전에 올렸던 사진이죠.어떤 시공자는수직벽에 합판치고수평 바닥부분에 쓰레기를 채우죠.시공자들 중 많은분들은그렇지 않지만동네 악덕집장사시공하는 동네형, 동네동생 분들이 이렇게 하죠.<부실공사 시리즈 입니다>Power is…
작년에 지나가다 본 건물.땅의침하건물은 떠있고구조물은 불안정뼈가 부실하면온몸이 아프듯구조체가 아프면건물은 만병의 근원이된다.심각한 건물몇일지나서 지나가다보니흙앞에 석축을 쌓아서못보게 가렸더군요<부실공사 시리즈 입니다>Power is nothing…
Hello. This is Ahn, the Building Owner School. If you go to a site where a lot of detached houses are built or a construction fair, you can often see a case where a construction company even designs the construction. But...