Good land

좋은 땅을 찾는 즐거움

The pleasure of finding good land

Today is very fun. Pretty land. ​The time when the building owner spent several months searching for the land to meet the land​ ​​The remaining land looks pretty both day and night even after filling that time, so it is very enjoyable. It's so good and some parts aren't enough, but I'm also very happy to see the land that I'm afraid to see it every few months. Nice to see you...

좋은 땅을 볼때 무엇을 봐야하는가?

What to see when seeing good land?

땅의 위치를보고​땅이 접한 도로의 크기를 본다​땅의 크기땅의 너비땅의 햇빛땅의 바람땅의 풍경등을 본다.​볼게많다​그러나​그것만 보지 않는다이 땅의 옹벽값이 땅의 토목공사비용을 계산한다​계산의 답이…
