Building Owner school09. Construction site checkProtected: 건물주학교 EP 043 – 우면동 단독주택 신축현장 2차 현장체크 – 주말에 현장방문 1차 검산
Building Owner school09. Construction site checkProtected: 건물주학교 EP 042 – 우면동 단독주택 신축현장 1차 현장체크 – 철거 & 이웃주민 민원 해결
Building Owner school01. Building a houseBuilding Owner School EP 030-How to make the house of your dreams a reality
Building Owner school01. Building a houseBuilding Owner School EP 016-Is it really possible to build a house by yourself?
Building Owner school06. Completion caseBuilding Owner School EP 005 – Wirye 130 pyeong after building a detached house, the review of building a house directly from the client