
A land of all bad conditions

It is the land of the person crossing the bridge, not the person.​Agu.?​​If you had seen the selection of the land, you would not have bought it.​``The bad condition is a full set.” Still, there is another limit​​​ 100% area of ​​land is 120 pyeong ㅋ It is not a problem until here. The real problem is this land.


8 meters height difference

The height of the back step where the retaining wall should be installed is astounding, but there is endless possibility of three-dimensional architectural approach. One land. ​Contemplating how to increase the area limit and adapting to the topography in a civil and stair way ​Method of converting civil engineering costs into construction expenses Lee Go-min.


Avoid the land used as a factory.

There is a land that needs to be thrown away.​​The black land​​is just "burnt". ​It is a coal-fired bullet. ​Even if the windshield is applied, 10km will fly quickly. Good.???​Power is nothing without Control!


The land becomes good when it can breathe.

건물을 짓다보면뻘을 보게되죠.​서울권의 뻘은 “포”, “매립지”가 좀깊고,일반적인곳은 좀적죠.​이곳은 1970년대 택지개발때높이 3미터정도 흙을 덮었더라구요​3미터 땅을 파고내려가니그후 뻘이보이고뻘 높이만 4미터쯤 되었던듯 해요.​공사비…


Old trees must be plucked from the building ground.

이유는 병충해 때문이다.​나무가 면역력이 없으면각종 오염성 진액이 나무에서나오고그 오염성 진액은주변에 악영향을준다.​이 나무 집짓기도전에 죽은나무.​시각적으로도 흉스럽다.흉스러운건 시각적 건강함과정신을 해친다.​땅을 좋게하려면간단하다​집안에 나무는젊고…


If you are prone to colds, avoid near water.

습도에 민감한분은 큰물에 의해몸건강을 해칠수있다.​감기에 잘걸린분도몸에 온기보다 냉기가 많은분들은되도록 피해야 한다.​물이 큰곳의 땅, 아파트, 건물이 영향받는다가급적 100미터이상 떨어진곳이 좋다​아무리 좋은…
